%personalized care for thyroid disorders %Hill Country Endocrinoloy


Hill Country Endocrinology is thrilled to offer a comprehensive BODY COMPOSITION TEST, providing unparalleled insights into your health and wellness journey.

This offers accurate body composition analysis and comprehensive assessment with detailed insights into muscle distribution, fat distribution, and overall health. InBody testing also generates personalized results, allowing for customized fitness and nutrition plans. InBody testing also offers an evidence-based approach to health and fitness management with its precise measurements and data-driven analysis.

  • Non-members
    $37.00 each test and interpretation
    $85.00 bundle of 3 tests and interpretation
  • Members
    General Endocrine Members:
    $169.00 two (2) tests included per year of membership, available every 6 months. Any extra tests can be purchased at an exclusive members-only price of $20.00 each.

Thyroid/Lower Tier Members:
$129.00 one (1) test included per year of membership, available every 12 months. Any extra tests can be purchased at an exclusive members-only price of $20.00 each.
